First Filipino Store

Fruits and Vegetables

In stock
Water Chestnut - 227G

Fruits and Vegetables

Best Before: 26/04/2025

Halal: Yes    Country of Origin: China
39 CZK
In stock
Green Jackfruit - 540 G

Fruits and Vegetables

Best Before: 13/02/2026

59 CZK
In stock
Del Monte Fruit Cocktail in Light Syrup - 836g

Fruits and Vegetables

Best Before: 01/02/2026

165 CZK
In stock
Jackfruit in Syrup 565 G

Fruits and Vegetables

Best Before: 02/11/2025

Halal: Yes
Country of Origin: Vietnam
69 CZK
In stock
Fruit Cocktail in Heavy Syrup - 850g

Fruits and Vegetables

Best Before: 03/08/2025

139 CZK
In stock
Young Coconut Meat Slices in Light Syrup - 425 G

Fruits and Vegetables

Best Before: 19/10/2026

69 CZK
In stock
Young Cobs Corn - 484G

Fruits and Vegetables

Best Before: 18/07/2026

59 CZK
In stock
Bamboo Shoots - Strips - 227g

Fruits and Vegetables

Best Before: 16/08/2025

45 CZK
In stock
Salted Black Beans

Fruits and Vegetables

Best Before: 25/01/2027

49 CZK

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